среда, 24 августа 2011 г.

Orgasmic disorders are the inability to achieve climax during sexual stimulation

Orgasmic dysfunction is an inability for a person to have an orgasm during sexual stimulation. This disturbance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulties. This dysfunction is not better accounted for by another mental state, the direct physiological effects of a substance or another general medical condition. A person may be diagnosed with orgasmic disorder Female or Male Orgasmic Disorder, but it is less common for men. The condition is called primary when a woman has never experienced orgasm through any type of stimulation. This is called secondary if the woman has attained orgasm in the past but currently non-orgasmic.

For men, the disease can present itself as an inability to achieve orgasm during intercourse or ejaculate after prolonged intense non-intercourse stimulation.

Drugs and alcohol can impair orgasmic responsiveness. Less commonly, medical conditions that affect the nerve supply to the pelvis (spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis and diabetic neuropathy), hormonal disorders and chronic diseases affecting the general interest and sexual health may be factors. Negative attitudes toward sex in childhood may affect the reactivity of a person who can experience sexual abuse or rape. The problem may be related to marital problems and decreased sexual desire. Boredom and monotony in sexual activity may serve as factors that contribute to secondary anorgasmia. Other factors may be shy or embarrassed to ask for any kind of stimulation works better, as well as conflict or lack of emotional closeness in the relationship.

When men experience difficulty achieving orgasm, the reasons are primarily medical, alcohol or drugs. These factors may affect the ability of a woman to achieve orgasm as well.

Approximately 10-15 percent of women seem to suffer from primary orgasmic dysfunction. According to studies, usually 33-50 percent of women experience orgasm infrequently and are dissatisfied. Performance anxiety is believed to be the most common cause of orgasm questions, and 90 percent of orgasm problems appear to be psychogenic (non-organic).


A healthy attitude towards sex education and sexual stimulation and response is often to minimize problems. The principle of taking responsibility for their sexual pleasure is important, too. Couples who know they must verbally and nonverbally guide their partner in this problem less frequently. It 'also important to understand that a man can not force a sexual response, and the more you try to focus on orgasm, the harder it is to be achieved.

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